Best Beauty Products to Cover Up Crying

Heartbreak. We’ve all been there. You either can’t eat or you seek comfort in food. You either can’t sleep or melt into your down comforter, draw the blinds and sleep your sorrows away. One thing that’s certain, you cry; a lot. I’ve cried my eyes raw. They’ve gotten swollen and puffy and red, and what’s worse, over the years; I’ve even gotten cry-induced wrinkles. They’ve deepened with every disappointment. I decided to do a product roundup with the best beauty products to cover up crying. These are some go-to products I’ve used to pull myself together on the outside as I was in turmoil on the inside. Fake it till you make it right?
Put this stuff in the fridge! Follow these steps in your post break up cry face beauty rescue routine. First your eyes will ache. Take a washcloth and soak it in cool water. Let it sit on your eyes. Cucumbers are also awesome but I can’t help but eat them. In the morning, dab these Clique eye creams onto your eyes. Don’t rub, dab. Feels awesome!
Ok so now your eyes are prepped. Time to conceal on your face what you can’t conceal in your heart. This is all about getting that gorgeous brave face together so you can work and present yourself in public. I promise you they crying, the awfulness, it will pass. Chin up sister. We’ve got some concealing to do.
Now when I have epic level cry face I break out the big guns. I’m olive complected so when I’m brought to a place of steady streaming tears, I get the dark circles. I look rough. I lose my glow.
Start off with the mother of all concealers.
Dermablend Professional Cover Cream. To smoothen the consistency, use Loreal True Match Super Blendable Concealer which comes with a tiny brush. Dip the brush into the Dermablend then swipe onto your under eye (upper lid too if you need to). This will give you the perfect natural looking eraser for your wounds made clear in your eyes.
Step 3. Mascara. I’m a fan of waterproof mascara as a rule. My lashes are naturally thick and long so when I blink they hit my upper and lower lids. I end up like a raccoon if I don’t use waterproof mascara. My top pick comes right from the drug store.